Friday, October 14, 2011

Attack of the Flies

There are these hideous little flies all over our house.  They look like fruit flies or something.  Maybe they don't look like fruit flies...but they don't look like house flies, which are bad enough.  These things are gross.  Gross. Gross.  They are called Drain Flies and they look like this:

Told you they were gross.  So it looks like I'm gonna have fun trying to get rid of them this weekend.  They aren't disease carrying, so at least there's that.  But they are just nasty.  Ewww.

On another, much cuter note, my 5 year old completely conked out yesterday after school in his little rocking chair while watching Daddy play some video game or another.  Not sure which one it was at this point.  But this poor little guy was plum tuckered out!  

And now it's almost bed time, so I'm done.  Plus these flies have got me all weirded out and given me the heeby-jeebies. Bleh.

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